Wrestler Claire Heafford who performs as the character Rag Doll poses for a portrait before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Claire Heafford who performs as the character Rag Doll holds her mask before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Amy Samardzija who performs as the character Candy Floss dresses before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
A wrestler puts her make up on before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Claire Heafford who performs as the character Rag Doll puts on her costume before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Vicky Owen who performs as the character Jetta poses for a portrait before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Claire Heafford who performs as the character Rag Doll poses for a portrait before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Wrestler Sabrina Casiraghi who performs as the character Jokey poses for a portrait before an all female wrestling event in London, Britain August 12, 2017. Picture taken August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall
Complice il successo di GLOW, la serie Netflix dedicata al wrestling femminile anni Ottanta, il genere sta vivendo un periodo di revival. Ma forse non tutti sanno che in Inghilterra è attivo, già dal 2006, il gruppo Pro-Wrestling EVE, che si autodefinisce femminista-punk-rock. L’ultimo evento organizzato da EVE è andato in scena il 12 agosto a Londra, sempre allo scopo di rendere più popolare e diffusa la scena della lotta femminile.