
Chiara Ferragni: “Una donna mi ha guardata poi ha detto a sua figlia ‘Non darle attenzione, non vedi che è una mer** senza trucco?’….”

La influencer ha spiegato quanto questo commento l'abbia fatta rimanere male e come sia diffusa l'abitudine di criticare con parole forti e violente le persone per il loro aspetto fisico. Cosa che fanno soprattutto le donne nei confronti delle altre donne

di F. Q.

È la stessa Chiara Ferragni a raccontare l’episodio sulla sua pagina Instagram. “Ieri – scrive – stavo scendendo da un taxi quando una donna sulla quarantina mi ha guardata e ha detto alla figlia (che doveva avere circa 8 anni): “Non prestarle attenzione, lo vedi che è una m**** senza trucco?“”. La influencer continua spiegando quanto questo commento l’abbia fatta rimanere male e come sia diffusa l’abitudine di criticare con parole forti e violente le persone per il loro aspetto fisico. Cosa che fanno soprattutto le donne nei confronti delle altre donne.

La Ferragni torna quindi a parlare di un episodio di qualche giorno fa, quando lei e la sorella Valentina sono state attaccate duramente sui social perché considerate “troppo grasse” per indossare certi abiti. “Come può una donna dire a sua figlia che un’altra donna “fa schifo” senza make up invece di spiegarle che la bellezza viene dalla sicurezza e dall’amore per se stessi?”, scrive Chiara. “Le donne vere si supportano – continua – Insieme possiamo fare la differenza, iniziando proprio dai bambini“.


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Yesterday, while I was getting out of a cab to go to work, a woman surprised me with an awful comment. She was probably in her 40s and, after she saw me, she told her daughter (who was probably around 8) in a very loud way: “don’t even give her attention, did you see she looks like shit without makeup on”. My reaction was just looking at her in shock for such a rude and loud comment, and that feeling stayed with me the whole day. I kept asking myself why people have to talk shit about others, and why do people always have to criticize the way you look, more than anything else? And why do women do this the most, and against other women? In a poll I made on Instagram stories on Tuesday, after my sister @valentinaferragni was “socially attacked” for not wearing a model size I asked my followers if they’ve ever felt bad for bad comments about their physical appearance: 89% of you said yes. Isn’t this crazy? In a world where we all have felt judged for the way we look and where we’ve all, at least at times, felt victims of a beauty standard that we couldn’t live up to and felt bad about ourselves for other’s comments, why do we often do the same? We know the feeling of not feeling the 100% best version of ourselves, so why trying to make others feel bad as well? Why would a mum tell her daughter that another woman looks like shit without makeup on (and I felt so cute that morning ?) instead of teaching her that beauty comes from within, from self confidence and self love? That everybody is beautiful in their own way, that a “model standard of beauty” doesn’t exist anymore? That a fresh face and a real smile is better than any kind of makeup? That’s what I will teach to my son, that’s what I try to tell you everyday on my social media. Real women support each other. Together, we can make a difference. It starts with baby steps: try to tell yourself something good about your body everyday. And try to empower others around you, instead of tearing them down #BodyShamingIsForLosers #Sisterhood

Un post condiviso da Chiara Ferragni (@chiaraferragni) in data:

Chiara Ferragni: “Una donna mi ha guardata poi ha detto a sua figlia ‘Non darle attenzione, non vedi che è una mer** senza trucco?’….”
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