Animal House

Ricoperto di pelo aggrovigliato al punto da dover essere tosato in sedazione, il cane Rex vive una vita d’inferno: alla sua proprietaria una multa di soli 150 euro

Non serve dire molto, basta vedere il video della Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals per capire quante ne abbia passate il cagnolino e per augurargli di trovare una famiglia

di F. Q.
Ricoperto di pelo aggrovigliato al punto da dover essere tosato in sedazione, il cane Rex vive una vita d’inferno: alla sua proprietaria una multa di soli 150 euro

La storia di Rex è arrivata in tribunale e si è chiusa con una multa di soli 150 euro alla sua proprietaria. Nel dare la sentenza è stato tenuto conto della difficoltà della donna nel gestire il marito di malato d’Alzheimer. Quello che è certo è che per il canesta per arrivare una nuova vita: ora è pronto per essere finalmente adottato. Ma cosa gli è capitato? Salvato dalla Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, racconta La Stampa, era un ammasso di pelo “aggrovigliato” in dreadlock al punto tale da doverlo tosare in sedazione completa per evitargli sofferenze.

La vita ina gabbia piccolissima lo ha provato non solo fisicamente ma anche mentalmente tanto da fargli passare ore a “inseguirsi la coda”. Non serve dire molto, basta vedere il video della Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals per capire quante ne abbia passate il cagnolino e per augurargli di trovare una famiglia che si prenda davvero cura di lui.

@dspca Rex On the 15th of February 2023 our inspectors removed Rex from his home. He was confined in a small cage in a shocking state with his whole body severely matted. Rex was sedated and the veterinary team took great care in removing the matting and dreads, some measuring up to 12 inches long. Rex was a very nervous dog and it took a lot of time and patience to help him settle and feel safe and relaxed. Care staff noticed that Rex was constantly spinning, circling and chasing his tail. Our veterinary team were very concerned about Rex and the affect of being kept in a small space for such a long time had on him. Over the last year and 8 months Rex has been on medication to help with this behaviour and we are so very grateful to his foster family who have helped him get through this very tough time. Last week in court his owner avoided jail but was fined €150 after pleading guilty at Dublin District Court to neglecting her dog Rex and not safeguarding its health and welfare. “Judge Anthony Halpin said it was a tragic set of circumstances, and the dog would still probably be in a state of distress but for the intervention of the Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA). He said the fine he imposed did not reflect the gravity of the case, but he had to take into consideration the circumstances of the defendant, who is on a disability benefit and is a carer for her husband with Alzheimer’s disease and another family member with profound intellectual difficulties.” To read the full article see our stories. The DSPCA works tirelessly to help neglected and vulnerable animals like Rex. Our team are dedicated and will go above and beyond to protect them and give them a reason to live. Please support the work of the DSPCA and donate today link ???? to donate in bio. Thank you. #dspca #animalrescue #animalcruelty #animalneglect ♬ Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono – moshimo sound design
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